Storing Water in Off Grid Locations

Storing Water in Off Grid Locations

Storage Tanks

There are NUMEROUS options for your storage tanks including but not limited to:

  • IBC totes (pictured) - New can be expensive, however many companies use these totes only 1 time and there are many available on the used market.  Be sure to look for totes that have previously contained food grade items (no chemicals or cleaners), that are food safe, and be sure to thoroughly clean them before use.
  • 50 gallon plastic drums - same advise as above
  • Commercial cisterns/water storage tanks - available in a variety of sizes and often available locally at home improvement stores.

The storage tank itself is a personal choice and are generally readily available.  There is no right or wrong answer, but we feel the next topic often has poor choices recommended.

Treating Stored Water

Treating stored water is an important consideration to maintain the cleanliness of the water source.  We often hear the recommendation of using a certain amount of bleach in the stored water to prevent pathogens from inhabiting the tank.  Our personal recommendation is NOT to use bleach, as it and it's byproducts are harmful to the human body and can have long term negative health impacts!

In addition to these concerns, there are numerous other and safer ways to treat stored water, so why not use these alternatives:

Chlorine Dioxide

  • Chlorine Dioxide - This is used in a very similar way to bleach, however is much safer for the human body.  It does not have environmentally damaging byproducts.  It breaks down to the byproducts of water, oxygen, and salt.
  • Chlorine Dioxide in addition to safely treating drinking water can also be used to disinfect surfaces
  • Chlorine Dioxide can also be used to safely clean and disinfect all types of food including meat, poultry, fish, and produce.  We notice that produce and fruits last several days longer after being washed/cleaned in this solution - which can also save money and be a BIG benefit in off grid situations.

OK, so you're probably asking if this substance is comparable to bleach in it's effectiveness, much safer, not harmful to the environment or to humans, and can be used also to disinfect surfaces and food then why haven't you heard of it before?  That is a question we get asked at times when we recommend this treatment option.  Here's the answer:

We don't know - we have known about it for MANY years, used it for MANY years, and recommended it for MANY years.  So now you know ;-)  Some research on your part will reveal the benefits, and if you speak with us ask for a copy of an article from Food Safety Magazine that we've had for YEARS that touts the safety and efficacy of this substance. 

UV Light Treatment

  • UV light treatment is another safe, effective way to disinfect stored water.  This method is usually used during exit from the storage tank, prior to use.  It generally consists of plumbing in a disinfection chamber that the water passes through upon exiting the tank and prior to use.  That chamber houses a UV bulb that disinfects the water as it passes through the chamber. 
  • There are MANY options at many different price points to choose from.

Ozone Disinfection

  • Ozone disinfection is a GREAT option to disinfect the ENTIRE storage tank - no matter how large or small.
  • Ozone is widely used to disinfect hot tubs and even swimming pools without any harsh chemicals
  • This method of disinfection can be done in 2 different methods:
  1. Bubblers - to bubble the ozone through the stored water.  Requires an air pump.
  2. Venturi - to actively cycle the water through an ozone venturi.  Requires a jet pump (water pump).

With all these great options available, why not research one or all of them and implement them into your water treatment plan without the harmful effects and byproducts of bleach!

Owning land allows you options and choices, we hope this gives you some ideas for your own and we would love to chat with you about purchasing a piece of land.  We have many to choose from and would love to sell you your perfect piece of land!


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